
Tech-Savvy Policies for an Exponentially Evolving World
During our time serving the San Francisco Bay Area, we have proudly been a part of the ever-growing metropolis for tech in the area. With even more technology companies growing, comes needs for complicated and wide-covering insurance policies. Look no further than Incline Insurance. Our agents would love to get to know you and your company’s direct needs. As your company grows, so will your need for coverage, and we’ll be right here for you. Contact us today for a free quote.
Types of Tech Coverage
- Errors and Omissions – Also known as E&O, these are vital to protecting your business from claims of failing to perform your promised services.
- General Liability – While the tech industry doesn’t have as many occupational risks, it is still encouraged to invest in general liability to protect from unexpected accidents and damage.
- Cyber Liability / Data Breach – As a tech company, your data and research are your lifeblood. Stay afloat by ensuring your hard-earned work.
- Employee Dishonesty – Cover your company in the case for employee theft of both money and company properties, including research and tech.
- Directors & Officers Liability – Paying directors and officers of your company in case of a severe loss in financial stability.
- Fiduciary Liability – Protection for you and your business against mismanagement and wrongfully handling your company’s employee benefit plans.
- Property & Casualty – Policy for covering a broad range of services and products including offices, employees, and office equipment.
- Equipment Breakdown – Especially important in the tech field for maintaining hardware and software that may need to be repaired or replaced.
- Business Interruption – If disaster strikes and you are no longer generating revenue, make sure your company is covered while you’re rebuilding.
The Smart Investment with Incline Insurance
Whether you’re a small startup or a national conglomerate, your tech company needs coverage. Don’t get caught up in research and develop and forget to protect you, your company, and your employees. Contact Incline Insurance today to speak to an agent and get a free quote. Elevate your coverage.